Janette Boazman, Ph.D.

Janette Boazman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Education and Classical Learning, Graduate Director, Education

Phone: (972) 265-5714

Email: jboazman@shikstar.com

Office: Braniff Graduate Building #22


  • Ph.D.   Curriculum and Instruction
                  University of North Texas
                  Minor: Gifted and Talented Education          
  • M.S.      Educational Psychology
                  University of North Texas
                  Minor: Gifted and Talented Education
                  Certification:   Gifted and Talented
  • B.S.      Interdisciplinary Studies in Education
                  University of North Texas
                  Minor: Elementary Education
                  Specialization: Reading
                  Academic Discipline: Geography
                  Certification:   Self-Contained (1-8)
                                            Reading (1-8)

Current Teaching Assignments

  • EDU 3325 Mathematics Concepts for Teachers
  • EDU 3326 Science in Elementary School
  • EDU 5337 Gifted Learners: Nature and Needs
  • EDU 5342 Foundations of Catholic Education
  • EDU 5352 Education Evaluation
  • EDU 5377 Human Growth and Development
  • EDU 6366 Catholic School Leadership Internship (MCSL)



Books and Book Chapters

    • Unique and Unrepeatable: Serving all of God’s Children. Arlington,
      VA: National Catholic Education Agency.
    • It’s Time to Revamp the Parent-Teacher Conference Process: Let’s
      Include the Child. In K. Nilles, J. Jolly, T. Ford Inman, & J.
      Smutny (Eds.), Success strategies for parenting gifted kids
      (pp. 343-348). Waco: Prufrock Press.
    • Identification of Gifted Learners: Myths, Characteristics, Program
      Planning, and Identification Processes. Arlington, VA:
      National Catholic Education Agency.
    • The Meaning of Gifts and Talents: Framing the Elements for
      Flourishing. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education

Editorial Activities

    • A Look at Special Schools and Programs [special issue]. Parenting
      for High Potential, 12(2).

Refereed/Peer Review

Journal Articles

    • The faith-Based School Option for Gifted Children. Parenting for High Potential, 12(2), 20 - 25.
    • Creating a Positive School Year Through Gratitude, Hopefulness, and Friendship. Parenting for High Potential, 11(3), 2-5, 22-23.
    • Subjective Wellbeing of Gifted American College Students: An Examination of Psychometric Properties of the PWI-A. Gifted Child Quarterly, 50(4), 236-248. doi:10.1177/0016986215597748
    • Important Voices: Gifted Children and Parents Share What They Need. Parenting for High Potential, 4(7), 2-3, 22-23.
    • It’s Time to Revamp the Parent-Teacher Conference Process: Let’s Include the Child. Parenting for High Potential, 4(1).
    • Hope is More Than Just Wishful Thinking. Parenting for High Potential 3(2), 12-15.
    • Locus of Control, Academic Self-Concept, and Academic Dishonesty Among High Ability College Students. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(4), 88-114. doi:10.14434/josotl.v14i4.12770
    • Mediating Factors of Personal Wellbeing in Gifted College Students: Early-College Entrants and Honors College Students. Journal of Social Research and Policy, 3(2), 111-131. ISSN: 2067-2640
    • We All Want the Same Thing. Parenting for High Potential, 1(7), 8-11.
    • The Personal Well-Being of Gifted Young Adults Following Participation in an Early-College-Entrance Program. Roeper Review, 33, 76-85. doi.org/10.1080/02783193.2011.554153

Encyclopedia Article – Refereed/Peer Review

    • Gifted American College Students, Application of the Personal Well-Being Index (PWI) (Adult Version). In: Maggino F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Cham. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69909-7_4003-2
    • Gifted American College Students, Application of the Personal Well-Being Index (PWI) (Adult
      Version). In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp 2436-2437). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5

Publications other than Peer Review

Editor Reviewed Articles

    • Rising to the Promise Found in Each Young Person: Serving Gifted Learners in Catholic Schools.
      Momentum, 40-43.
    • Writing a New Story for Catholic Schools: Explaining Why Catholic Schools are Worth The
      Investment. Momentum, 42-49.

Blog Posts

    • Every Student Deserves to Learn Something New Every Day. NCEA Talk.

Published Interviews

    • The Cardinal Newman Society - Faithful Catholic Schools Depend on Faithful Teacher Prep., Says U. Dallas Education Chair. http://tinyurl.com/oj29xkf
    • The Davidson Institute - Interview with Janette Boazman on Character Development and the Differences in Cognitive Development Between Boys and Girls.